FCPD Leads Among First Major Law Enforcement Agencies to Fully Deploy BolaWrap

Fairfax County, VA – Following a successful pilot program, the Fairfax County Police Department is proud to announce the full deployment of BolaWrap; a hand-held remote restraint device used to safely restrain an individual to take them into custody.

In November 2022, FCPD assigned 30 BolaWrap devices throughout our district stations and to our Crisis Intervention Team. The device is intended to be utilized to restrain uncooperative suspects or individuals experiencing a mental health crisis from a distance. Upon the completion of thorough training and guidance of the technology’s usage, officers equipped with this innovative tool began their patrols. With a number of positive outcomes achieved, the department determined the deployment of BolaWrap to all patrol officers would be an invaluable asset to our police toolkit.

Recognizing the dynamic nature of law enforcement, the FCPD is dedicated to continuous training and evaluation of the BolaWrap technology. Officers will undergo periodic refresher courses and skill assessments to maintain proficiency in the device’s usage. The department remains committed to staying informed about advancements in restraint technologies and will adapt training programs accordingly.

“The Fairfax County Police Department is dedicated to enhancing responsiveness, prioritizing safety and emphasizing de-escalation,” said Chief Kevin Davis. “Launching BolaWrap department-wide is expected to transform our incident resolution capacity, especially in crisis situations.”

Through ongoing collaboration with our law enforcement partners and experts in the field, the FCPD aims to uphold the highest standards in the responsible and effective use of BolaWrap, ensuring its continued positive impact on community safety.

For more information about BolaWrap, please visit their site here.

For more photos and videos of our BolaWrap training, click here.