Helping Keep Faith Communities Safe

Fairfax County Police are implementing a new program, modeled after Neighborhood Watch, that aims to help keep houses of worship safe and crime-free. “Worship Watch” is intended to encourage congregants to become more involved in reducing the opportunity for crimes to occur on facility premises. Congregants, as well as neighbors of houses of worship, will learn how to be more aware and the importance of speedy reporting of any suspicious activity.

Houses of worship are not immune to criminal activity. More common crimes that are targeted towards them include larceny, burglary, vandalism and arson.

Fairfax County Police are hosting their first Worship Watch workshop, free of charge, on Saturday, February 28, from 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Room 102 C.

Workshop attendees will receive crime prevention training, facility security assessments, information on how to receive crime alerts and community information, and other valuable crime prevention tools.

The meeting is OPEN to all, and is aimed towards anyone who is interested in learning how to help keep Fairfax County safe.

RSVP to attend this meeting by emailing the Reston Crime Prevention Office; . Questions may be directed to 703-478-0799.