2016 FCPD Crime Stats Now Available

The 2016 Crime Data for Fairfax County is posted on the county police web site: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/crime/statistics/2016stats.html

Overall, there was a 2% increase in crime in 2016 as compared to 2015.  This was due in part to significant increases in narcotics offenses, which saw the largest gains.  Colonel Edwin C. Roessler Jr., Chief of Police, says, “The mission of the Fairfax County Police Department is to prevent and fight crime through community engagement and information sharing, and it is this partnership that keeps Fairfax County the safest jurisdiction of its size in the United States.”

The links on the crime statistics page will allow you to view crime statistics overall and specifically by police districts. We encourage everyone to stay informed and engaged with your police department through our social media accounts which include Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as well as through our blog.