Wave Two of Road Shark Underway 

Fairfax, VA – This week, the Fairfax County Police Department has started our second “Road Shark” campaign throughout the county. Road Shark is a high-visibility and coordinated enforcement and education effort to deter aggressive driving, reduce crashes, and change driving behavior.  

Officers from around the county will be increasing their visibility and traffic enforcement efforts in the hopes of educating drivers, interrupting aggressive driving, and encouraging safe driving behaviors. Complacency behind the wheel can prove deadly. Crashes are often attributable to excessive speed, distraction, and aggressive driving. It is our hope that officers can provide complacent drivers with a reminder that good driving behavior and driving habits can save lives.  

Last campaign, officers along with our Virginia State Police partners issued over 3,775 citations. 

In conjunction with FCPD’s 2023 Monthly Traffic Safety campaigns, Road Shark will be an integral part of this approach to keeping community members safe.  

For more on this and other traffic safety initiatives, notifications, and results, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @FairfaxCountyPD