Teen Apprehended for Shoplifting, Found to be Distributor of Hate Speech Flyers

Fair Oaks Police District— The swift actions and intuitive investigative skills of our police officers from the Fair Oaks Police District led to the arrest of a shoplifting teenager later found to be linked to the distribution of suspicious flyers portraying hate/bias material last week.

On Sunday, August 20, officers responded to the Target located at 13047 Fair Lakes Shopping Center for a report of a shoplifter in custody. The Target Asset Prevention Team advised that the suspect was observed stealing a staple gun, sandwich bags, glue, and other miscellaneous items.

Last week, officers and detectives from the Fair Oaks District responded to reports of suspicious flyers portraying bias material being disseminated throughout multiple neighborhoods.

After conducting a concise investigation, the officers present at the scene successfully pinpointed the teenager as the person responsible for the distribution of the offensive flyers. The teenager is being charged with Petit Larceny and is being held at the Juvenile Detention Center.

If you are the victim or witness of a Bias Crime or Incident in Fairfax County, please contact the FCPD at 911 (for in progress) or our non-emergency number at 703-691-2131. Anyone with additional information about this incident or who may have noticed anything suspicious is asked to please call our Fair Oaks Police station at 703-591-0966. To contact our detectives, please call our Organized Crime and Intelligence Bureau at 703-802-2750. 

You can find more information at the FCPD Bias Crime link:  

Bias Crimes | Police (fairfaxcounty.gov) Join us on Neighbors by Ring. A place where you can connect with your neighbors, see what’s happening in your neighborhood and share any available surveillance footage with our department.